Inspiration | News | Interior Decorating Tips | Wallpaper | May 02, 2014
Spring Refresh

Here at Sian Zeng we’re getting ready for spring! It’s daffodil season, so what better way to celebrate warmer weather (open windows! freshly cut grass!) than with a mini home makeover. We’ve scoured some of our favourite British suppliers to show you our favourite home accessories and party pieces in vibrant yellow and grassy green to give your space a little lift. Show us how you're using yellow this spring with the hashtag #sianzenglovesyellow. Make sure to follow us on instagram (@sianzeng) or twitter (@sianzengstudio) or Facebook (@Sian Zeng) and mention us in your caption; our favourite picture will win one of our lovable yellow bears.
1) Hedgehog Junior Cushion available from Sian Zeng 2) Green Blue Tray available from Kate Clarke London 3) Bear Kit - Office available from Sian Zeng 4) Yellow Casa Pencil Holder available from Chocolatecreative 5) Smalltown Cushion available from Roddy&ginger 6) Yellow Bunting Garland available from Papermash
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